Accessing the Chemical Elements Data from PubChem#

About this interactive icons recipe
  • Author(s): Sunghwan Kim

  • Reviewer: Samuel Munday

  • Topic(s): How to retrieve chemical data using the PubChem Periodic Table.

  • Format: Interactive Jupyter Notebook (Python)

  • Scenario: You need to access and chemical data programatically based from PubChem annotations.

  • Skills: You should be familar with:

  • Learning outcomes:

    • How to get atom mass information from the PubChem Periodic Table

    • How to get ionization energies and electronegativity data from the PubChem Periodic Table

    • How to get physical property data from the PubChem Periodic Table

  • Citation: ‘Accessing the Chemical Elements Data from PubChem’, Sunghwan Kim, The IUPAC FAIR Chemistry Cookbook, Contributed: 2024-02-14

  • Reuse: This notebook is made available under a CC-BY-4.0 license.

PubChem provides the Periodic Table ( and Element Pages to help users navigate the abundant chemical element data available within PubChem. More detailed information on these services is provided in the following paper:

PubChem Periodic Table and Element Pages: Improving Access to Information on Chemical Elements from Authoritative Sources
Kim et al., Chemistry Teacher International, 2021, 3(1):57-65.
DOI: 10.1515/cti-2020-0006

The data underlying the PubChem Periodic Table and Element Pages are freely available for download. This Jupyter notebook demonstrates how to download the properties of chemical elements and visualize the periodicity of those properties. The data used in this notebook can be downloaded from the PubChem Periodic Table (, by clicking the DOWNLOAD button and then the CSV button.


Alternatively, the data can also be downloaded using a python script, as demonstrated below. Here, we use a python data analysis library called pandas. Using pandas, we can directly load the data from the web into a data frame.

import requests
import pandas as pd
url = ""
df = pd.read_csv(url)
AtomicNumber Symbol Name AtomicMass CPKHexColor ElectronConfiguration Electronegativity AtomicRadius IonizationEnergy ElectronAffinity OxidationStates StandardState MeltingPoint BoilingPoint Density GroupBlock YearDiscovered
0 1 H Hydrogen 1.008000 FFFFFF 1s1 2.20 120.0 13.598 0.754 +1, -1 Gas 13.81 20.28 0.000090 Nonmetal 1766
1 2 He Helium 4.002600 D9FFFF 1s2 NaN 140.0 24.587 NaN 0 Gas 0.95 4.22 0.000179 Noble gas 1868
2 3 Li Lithium 7.000000 CC80FF [He]2s1 0.98 182.0 5.392 0.618 +1 Solid 453.65 1615.00 0.534000 Alkali metal 1817
3 4 Be Beryllium 9.012183 C2FF00 [He]2s2 1.57 153.0 9.323 NaN +2 Solid 1560.00 2744.00 1.850000 Alkaline earth metal 1798
4 5 B Boron 10.810000 FFB5B5 [He]2s2 2p1 2.04 192.0 8.298 0.277 +3 Solid 2348.00 4273.00 2.370000 Metalloid 1808
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
113 114 Fl Flerovium 290.192000 NaN [Rn]7s2 7p2 5f14 6d10 (predicted) NaN NaN NaN NaN 6, 4,2, 1, 0 Expected to be a Solid NaN NaN NaN Post-transition metal 1998
114 115 Mc Moscovium 290.196000 NaN [Rn]7s2 7p3 5f14 6d10 (predicted) NaN NaN NaN NaN 3, 1 Expected to be a Solid NaN NaN NaN Post-transition metal 2003
115 116 Lv Livermorium 293.205000 NaN [Rn]7s2 7p4 5f14 6d10 (predicted) NaN NaN NaN NaN +4, +2, -2 Expected to be a Solid NaN NaN NaN Post-transition metal 2000
116 117 Ts Tennessine 294.211000 NaN [Rn]7s2 7p5 5f14 6d10 (predicted) NaN NaN NaN NaN +5, +3, +1, -1 Expected to be a Solid NaN NaN NaN Halogen 2010
117 118 Og Oganesson 295.216000 NaN [Rn]7s2 7p6 5f14 6d10 (predicted) NaN NaN NaN NaN +6, +4, +2, +1, 0, -1 Expected to be a Gas NaN NaN NaN Noble gas 2006

118 rows × 17 columns

df.shape      # Check the dimension of the data frame (the number of rows, the number of columns)
(118, 17)
df.columns    # Check the available information.
Index(['AtomicNumber', 'Symbol', 'Name', 'AtomicMass', 'CPKHexColor',
       'ElectronConfiguration', 'Electronegativity', 'AtomicRadius',
       'IonizationEnergy', 'ElectronAffinity', 'OxidationStates',
       'StandardState', 'MeltingPoint', 'BoilingPoint', 'Density',
       'GroupBlock', 'YearDiscovered'],

In some charts generated in this notebook, data will be color-coded using the information on the period of an element (i.e., the row on the periodic table where an element appears). However, as shown in the above code cell, this information is not available in the data frame. Therefore, we add it to the data frame.

Period = [None] * 118

for i in range(0,len(Period)):

    an =i + 1             # Atomic number

    if (1 <= an) & (an <= 2) :
        Period[i] = "Period 1"
    elif (3 <= an) & (an <= 10) :
        Period[i] = "Period 2"
    elif (11 <= an) & (an <= 18) :
        Period[i] = "Period 3"
    elif (19 <= an) & (an <= 36) :
        Period[i] = "Period 4"
    elif (37 <=an ) & (an <= 54) : 
        Period[i] = "Period 5"
    elif (55 <= an) & (an <= 86) :
        Period[i] = "Period 6"
    elif (87 <= an) & (an <= 118) :
        Period[i] = "Period 7"
df["Period"] = Period

Now let’s import matplotlib and seaborn for data visualization.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

1. Atomic Mass#

ax=sns.scatterplot(x=df.AtomicNumber, y=df.AtomicMass, color='Blue')
ax.set(xlabel='Atomic Number')
ax.set(ylabel='Atomic Mass')
[Text(0, 0.5, 'Atomic Mass')]

2. Ionization Energy, Electron Affinity & Electronegativity#

Now we want to look into the periodicity of the ionization energy, electron affinity, and electronegativity among the chemical elements. These properties are not known for some elements, especially for elements heavier than Lr (Atomic Number=103), as identified in the following code cell.

df[(df.IonizationEnergy.isnull()) & (df.ElectronAffinity.isnull()) & (df.Electronegativity.isnull())][['AtomicNumber', 'Symbol','IonizationEnergy','ElectronAffinity','Electronegativity']]
AtomicNumber Symbol IonizationEnergy ElectronAffinity Electronegativity
103 104 Rf NaN NaN NaN
104 105 Db NaN NaN NaN
105 106 Sg NaN NaN NaN
106 107 Bh NaN NaN NaN
107 108 Hs NaN NaN NaN
108 109 Mt NaN NaN NaN
109 110 Ds NaN NaN NaN
110 111 Rg NaN NaN NaN
111 112 Cn NaN NaN NaN
112 113 Nh NaN NaN NaN
113 114 Fl NaN NaN NaN
114 115 Mc NaN NaN NaN
115 116 Lv NaN NaN NaN
116 117 Ts NaN NaN NaN
117 118 Og NaN NaN NaN

Therefore, let’s make a new data frame that does not have those elements without the Ionization energy, electron affinity, and electronegativity data.

df_tmp = df.dropna(axis=0, how='all', subset=['IonizationEnergy','ElectronAffinity','Electronegativity'])
(103, 18)

2.1. Ionization Potential#

ax=sns.barplot(data=df_tmp, x="Symbol", y="IonizationEnergy", hue="Period", dodge=False)
ax.set(xlabel="Atomic Symbol", ylabel="Ionization Energy (eV)")
plt.legend(loc='upper right');

2.2. Electron Affinity#

ax=sns.barplot(data=df_tmp, x="Symbol", y="ElectronAffinity", hue="Period", dodge=False)
ax.set(xlabel="Atomic Symbol", ylabel="Electron Affinity (eV)")
plt.legend(loc='upper right');

2.3. Electronegativity#

ax=sns.barplot(data=df_tmp, x="Symbol", y="Electronegativity", hue="Period", dodge=False)
ax.set(xlabel="Atomic Symbol", ylabel="Electronegativity")
plt.legend(loc='upper right');

2.4. Comparison between Ionization Energy, Electron Affinity, and Electronegativity#

fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=3,figsize=(20,6))

sns.scatterplot(data=df_tmp, x="ElectronAffinity", y="IonizationEnergy", hue="Period", ax=axs[0])
axs[0].set(xlabel="Electron Affinity (eV)", ylabel="Ionization Energy (eV)")

sns.scatterplot(data=df_tmp, x="Electronegativity", y="IonizationEnergy", hue="Period", ax=axs[1])
axs[1].set(xlabel="Electronegativity", ylabel="Ionization Energy (eV)")

sns.scatterplot(data=df_tmp, x="Electronegativity", y="ElectronAffinity", hue="Period", ax=axs[2])
axs[2].set(xlabel="Electronegativity", ylabel="Electron Affinity (eV)");

3. Melting Point and Boiling Point#

Now let’s visualize the melting and boiling points of chemical elements. These data are not available for all compounds, so we want to exclude those elements without the necessary data.

df[(df.MeltingPoint.isnull()) & (df.BoilingPoint.isnull())][['AtomicNumber', 'Symbol','MeltingPoint','BoilingPoint']]
AtomicNumber Symbol MeltingPoint BoilingPoint
103 104 Rf NaN NaN
104 105 Db NaN NaN
105 106 Sg NaN NaN
106 107 Bh NaN NaN
107 108 Hs NaN NaN
108 109 Mt NaN NaN
109 110 Ds NaN NaN
110 111 Rg NaN NaN
111 112 Cn NaN NaN
112 113 Nh NaN NaN
113 114 Fl NaN NaN
114 115 Mc NaN NaN
115 116 Lv NaN NaN
116 117 Ts NaN NaN
117 118 Og NaN NaN

The elements with an atomic number greater than 103 do not have melting and boiling point data. Therefore, we want to exclude those elements by using the df_tmp data frame, which was used previously to create the charts for the ionization potential, electron affinity, and electronegativity.

3.1. Melting Point#

ax=sns.barplot(data=df_tmp, x="Symbol", y="MeltingPoint", hue="Period", dodge=False)
ax.set(xlabel="Atomic Symbol", ylabel="Melting Point (K)")
plt.legend(loc='upper right');

3.2. Boiling Point#

sns.barplot(data=df_tmp, x="Symbol", y="BoilingPoint", hue="Period", dodge=False)
ax.set(xlabel="Atomic Symbol", ylabel="Boiling Point (K)")
plt.legend(loc='upper right');

3.3. Comparison between Melting and Boiling Points#

ax=sns.scatterplot(data=df, x="MeltingPoint", y="BoilingPoint", hue="Period")
ax.set(xlabel="Boiling Point (K)", ylabel="Melting Point (K)");

4. Density#

Now let’s look into the density of chemical elements. The density data used here are measured at STP (standard temperature and pressure, 0 °C and 1 atm).

ax=sns.barplot(data=df_tmp, x="Symbol", y="Density", hue="Period", dodge=False)   # Use df_tmp to exclude the elements without relevant data.
ax.set(xlabel="Atomic Symbol", ylabel="Density ($g/cm^{3}$)");

Some elements have very small density values, less than 0.5 g/cm3. This is also shown in the following histogram.

import numpy as np

bins=np.arange(0,25,0.5).tolist()    # list from 0 to 25 with an increment of 0.5
ax = sns.histplot(data=df_tmp, x='Density', bins=bins)
ax.set(xlabel="Density ($g/cm^{3}$)");
df_tmp[ df_tmp.Density < 0.5 ][['AtomicNumber','Symbol','Density','StandardState']]
AtomicNumber Symbol Density StandardState
0 1 H 0.000090 Gas
1 2 He 0.000179 Gas
6 7 N 0.001251 Gas
7 8 O 0.001429 Gas
8 9 F 0.001696 Gas
9 10 Ne 0.000900 Gas
16 17 Cl 0.003214 Gas
17 18 Ar 0.001784 Gas
35 36 Kr 0.003733 Gas
53 54 Xe 0.005887 Gas
85 86 Rn 0.009730 Gas

All these elements with densities < 0.5 g/cm3 exist as gas at STP.